For the purposes of this test anything that did not dissolve in HCl was considered “silica”. It could also contain aluminum and other “clay” type constituents. Although this un-dissolved material was not analyzed, it was assumed to be silica.

The samples were filtered and the filtered material weighed to determine how much silica sand was present. Procedure:Ģ0 grams of each sand were dissolved in 100 ml of 4 N HCl then diluted to 500 ml. The result is sand closer is size to the OldCastle. This is a picture of Great Salt Lake sand which was washed and screened. The scale in all pictures is in millimeters.

Since how sand looks is important to most people, a picture of each of the sands is included. Our supplier of this sand claims it is the brand and supplier to the Southdown play sand distributors. The Southdown sand sampled was actually an OldCastle brand. These sand types were Great Salt Lake sand, the CaribSea Oolitic sand product, and the Southdown play sand found in Home Depots back east. The purpose of this experiment was to test three common oolitic sand types for major element levels. Advocates of these sands claim they have: buffering capabilities, increased surface area for filtration purposes, low costs, and are composed of the same elements as high grade reef substrates. Some hobbyists argue against the use of this sand for various reasons, including possible pollutants and contaminants, origination may not be of a marine source, potential problems for pH and alkalinity stabilization. Numerous hobbyists have used this sand in their tanks for many years, while others are still unaware of its existence. This sand is generally very small, fine, and round sand. The oolitic term describes the formation and type of sand. Oolitic sand is a common category of sand used by aquarists.